If you want to get skilled New Zealand immigration, you need to fulfill the required educational standard. If you do not have a required educational standard that is a Washington Accord-accredited qualification, you need to have an equivalent level of knowledge. To demonstrate that you have gained an equivalent level of knowledge, you need to complete Knowledge Assessment 02.
What is KA02 For Immigration New Zealand?
Its technical report and an extensive piece of document that often creates challenges for engineering candidates. They often struggle to prepare an impressive knowledge assessment and seek reliable assistance. However, you do not need to waste your time moving hither and thither, Get connected to our online executive to get the most trusted and top-rated online services.
To support you in framing a high-quality equivalent knowledge assessment engineering nz, we have a team of brilliant professional writers. All the writers associated with us are well-versed in their engineering fields. They are experienced enough in framing such types of technical reports. Hence, you are confident of getting a well-written and original document from us when you avail our Writing Services.
How Do You Prepare KA02 Assessment?
Knowledge Assessment 02 is mandatory for those aspirants who do not have a qualification degree that is accredited by the Washington Accord. If you want to immigrate to New Zealand, you must showcase that you have acquired an equivalent level of knowledge by lodging a KA02 application to Engineering NZ. To get yourself ready for knowledge assessment, you need to keep the following points in mind:
- You should familiarize yourself with the definition of ‘complex engineering problems’ as you need to exhibit you can apply your engineering knowledge to solve complex engineering problems.
- You are required to identify the ‘engineering discipline and field’ as you have to provide evidence of your understanding and application of engineering knowledge in that field.
- This knowledge is based on the Washington Accord knowledge profile, so it is designed to collect information to assist in the evaluation of your evidence.
How To Get Successful Engineering NZ Knowledge Assessment?
- You are required to demonstrate your equivalent level of knowledge in eight different areas that are known as elements.
- Each element is described along with performance indicators that Engineering New Zealand is looking for.
- Summarize key facets of your knowledge within each element and how it has been developed through academic study, job learning, and continuing professional development.
- It is crucial to use performance indicators and complexity definitions to enable yourself to define your knowledge and how it has been developed.
- When interpreting how your educational program contributed to your development, you must focus on more advanced pieces of work you have done and the knowledge you have needed to accomplish that work.
- You must write your material in the first-person singular pronoun and active voice form.
Evidence of Application of Knowledge
- You should define three or four engineering projects or activities that you have worked on that showcase your ability to apply your engineering knowledge to solve complex engineering problems. Ponder over the activities where you have had to apply a high level of engineering knowledge.
- You need to provide the actual samples of your work for instance; calculations, analyses, or reports that you have personally undertaken in order to substantiate your work episodes.
- You must submit a certified copy of your academic transcripts.
- Attach a representative sample of specific engineering projects that evidence the development of the application of the knowledge profile.
- Instead of listing all your CPD activities, you should provide the details of those activities that have extended your professional engineering knowledge applicable to your discipline and have helped you to develop the knowledge profile of a professional engineer.
Related Link: KA02 Writing Services